Q: What makes this a certification course?
A: The certification is provided to show that you have indeed completed the course. There is not an accrediting body associated with the certification as there would be say a CPR course held through the Red Cross, but that is only because homeopathy doesn't have an accrediting body to be held responsible to. You could use this certification as a way to teach others about the skills you have learned through the course (maybe even be an affiliate of ours sending your friends through the link and making a 50% cut for it!). If you purchase the course and decide it's not for you, there is a money back guarantee.
Q: What are the time expectations for this course?
A: The course is self-paced and there is no pressure at all! Once you have the materials, they are yours to keep. There is no check in time or a set time frame in which you must have anything completed by. The course is set up in 8 weekly blocks by the concept and includes a video, homework assignment, and exam to test your knowledge. Each video is on average 20 minutes in length.
Q: Are there printouts available for this course?
A: The course does not come with any printouts, but you are able to download the videos to your computer or external device for future viewing. Once you have downloaded the files, you will not need an internet connection for viewing.
Q: What do I need to get started?
A: Be sure you have a comfortable spot for learning and a notebook close for taking notes to have close in the future when you may need to use the methods learned! :)
Q: Where do I purchase the herbs? Can I grow these in my area?
A: The video was created based on the growing zone in Texas. However, it is important that you do your own personal research based on your growing zone. A quick web search will usually show you what you can and cannot grow in your local zone. What you can't grow, you may likely be able to obtain from your local natural food store or even online.
Q: What payment methods are available for purchasing this product?
A: At this time, the only payment methods available are through our online website using a credit card. We do not offer an option for PayPal, check, or money order currently. We are, however, considering our options to ensure that we are able to reach all of our customers in the future.
Q: I cannot access the videos. Help!
A: Not to worry, we have a great technical support team to assist you if at any time you run into a glitch. If you require technical assistance, please check out our Common Technical Issues document to see if your issue can quickly be resolved. If you still require assistance, please email our Customer Service Department at happiness@thegrownetwork.com.
Q: Can the videos be downloaded to my computer or external device?
A: Yes! Look for the icon at the bottom of each weekly module:
Q: I am not satisfied. How do I obtain a refund?
A: Though we strive to offer you the best product possible, we realize that your satisfaction is our number one priority. If you are not satisfied, please email our Customer Service Department at happiness@thegrownetwork.com for a full refund.
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